Baltimore Bibs LogoThe Baltimore Bibliophiles

On Collecting...



~ Introduction ~
Many attempts have been made to explain or elaborate on the passion for books - some of the more thoughtful comments, or the more telling, can be found below...

~ Quotes ~
Books, the children of the brain. ~ Jonathan Swift

The true university of these days is a collection of books. ~ Thomas Carlyle

There are many people-happy people, it usually appears-whose thoughts at Christmas always turn to books. The notion of a Christmas tree with no books under it is repugnant and unnatural to them. ~ Robertson Davies

It is a man's duty to love books. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

I cannot live without books. ~ Thomas Jefferson

For I bless God in the libraries of the learned and for all the booksellers in the world. ~ Christopher Smart

A little library growing each year is an honorable part of a man's history. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

You can never be too thin, too rich, or have too many books. ~ Carter Burden

Books must be the axe to break the frozen sea inside me. ~ Franz Kafka

A bibliophile of little means is likely to suffer often. Books don't slip from his hands but fly past him through the air, high as birds, his as prices. ~ Pablo Neruda

Books are not made for furniture but there is nothing that so beautifully furnishes a house. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

"What shall I do with all my books?" was the question; and the answer, "Read them," sobered the questioner. ~ Winston Churchill

If there is one thing that a book-collector loves more than acquiring books, it is talking about them. Indeed there are scribes of good repute who maintain that bibliophiles prate so incessantly of their books that they have no time to read. ~ Harry B. Smith

I wish to have one copy of every book in the world. / I am booked out of wing and ratted out of the other. ~ Sir Thomas Phillips / His Wife

A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

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